Thursday, November 10, 2005

Warfare in Weissbruck

Three days later the Berebeli pulled in by the lockside of Weissbruck for the night. On the morning the barge would sail the waters of the Bogen to reach its destination. However no sooner had Reiner stepped off than his gaze turned to a nearby tavern. He noted the scarred crossbow wielding fellow who he had seen in the alley in Altdorf. Giving chase into the inn Reiner, accompanied by Igor and Oscar, soon lost the fellow. They did learn from the patrons that the fellow might be staying in another of Weissbruck's three inns.

Eventually the trailed the fellow down to his inn, which was very busy. The scarred fellow was in conversation with three rough looking men and when he saw Reiner he hastily retreated through the back door of the inn. Reiner pursued him onto, and eventually above, the streets but he lost the soldier by leaping from rooftop to rooftop.

Igor vowed to stay on watch all night, though sadly the strain of the past few days proved too much and he fell asleep in the early hours of the morning. He was awakened by the smell of smoke coming from the barge and alerted the rest of the crew. He discovered two men had blocked off the barge's chimney and were trying to smoke them out. Reiner, coughing from smoke inhilation was among the first to emerge from the barge. Only the timely intervention of Oscar - who threw the soldier into the canal - saved the soldier from bolts of an unknown marksman.

A fierce fight followed but the two assailants on the barge burnt both the group and themselves with flasks of oil. Edgar saw to rescuing Wolmar, his wife and child, while the rest busied themselves with dispatching the thugs and the marksman - who proved to be the scarred fellow from that evening. As he went down under sheer numbers this fellow cursed them. A search of his corpse revealed a letter that reads as follows:-

For the personal attention of Adolphus Kufto

The Nine Stars Coaching Company

The Middenheim Road


My Dear Herr Kufto,

You may recall a certain conversation one had last Brewzeit in the public bar of the Hook and Hatchett in Nuln. At that time you mentioned your interest in the activities of a certain society whose name I shall not mention here. In particular, you were very serious to trace the whereabouts of a certain officer, known only as the Magister Impedimentes.

I am now able to confirm each and every one of your suspicions. After your departure I made some discrete enquiries and managed to ascertain that the "gentleman" you are looking for uses the name Kastor Lieberung. In accordance with your plan, Herr Lieberung will be travelling towards Altdorf along the Middenheim Road some time towards the end of the month of Jahrdrung.

I have also been fortunate enough to secure a likeness of Herr Lieberung which I enclose with the letter.

I remain, Sir, your most obedient servant.


With this information and the fellow's worldly goods in their possession the company persuaded Josef to take his damaged barge further down the canal and on to Bogenhafen. After a tense few days and some hasty repairs they arrived in the town of Bogenhafen.


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